Cal Prop 12 Battle Continues In The Nation

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley who is from the nation’s top pork producing state of Iowa vows to fight in the farm bill, California Proposition 12.

That voter approved measure bans sale of pork in the state from pigs housed in cages or crowded pens where they can’t freely turn around.

Senator Grassley says the farm bill is the logical place to try to kill Prop 12, not freestanding legislation others want that would take 60 Senate votes to pass.

“I think the only place to get it done is in the farm bill, and what’s more appropriate than the farm bill to make sure that animal agriculture isn’t being hurt by people in California that don’t know anything about animal agriculture” said Grassley.

The U.S. Supreme Court in a 5-4 ruling earlier this year, upheld Proposition 12 rejecting a pork industry lawsuit that it violated the Constitution’s Commerce Clause.