New Law Creates Fentanyl Awareness, Law Enforcement Grant Program for California Counties

SACRAMENTO – A bill has been signed into law creating a new pilot project grant program to pay for fentanyl awareness, outreach and overdose investigation teams for California counties.

Once state funding has been allocated, school districts, public health departments and law enforcement agencies from each of the northern, central, and southern regions in the state will be able to apply for grant funds to help them educate and investigate fentanyl related issues in their communities. Two applications from each region will be selected.

Fresno Assemblyman Jim Patterson introduced this bill to allow other regions to recreate successful efforts by Fresno law enforcement, education and health leaders who have collaborated to fund law enforcement efforts to track down dealers after an overdose, billboard campaigns, PSA’s at local movie theaters, radio ads and TikTok videos.

AB 2365 received unanimous support in every committee and on both the Senate and Assembly floors.

Listen to the report by KMJ’s Liz Kern.