Fresno County’s Emergency Rent Assistance Begins Accepting Applications

If you’ve been struggling to pay rent because of the financial impacts of COVID-19, and you live in Fresno County, you could be in for help.

Fresno County’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program will begin accepting applications starting April 5.

The county received approximately $30 million dollars for the program.

This is for anyone who lives in Fresno County– except for the city of Fresno.

Fresno City has it’s own program.

Those in county islands, however, are eligible for the county assistance.

There are income limits.

Rental assistance will be provided to those at 50% Area Medium Income.

For example, if you are single, you can’t make more than $24,500.

The limit for a family of four is $34,950.

The program can help cover unpaid rent from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.

Landlords must agree to accept 80 percent of the balance due as payment in full.

Tenants will not be asked about their citizenship nor will they be required to show proof of citizenship.

For more information and link to the application site, click here.


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