Fresno Council Passes Anti-Panhandling Measure

FRESNO (KMJ) – The Fresno City Council votes to introduce a new tactic in the ongoing battle against homelessness.

By a 4-3 vote, the council approved the “Help Us, Help Fresno” initiative.

The item was sponsored by District 6 Councilmember Garry Bredefeld, it was the second time he brought it forward.

“We want people to know that these panhandlers are drug-addicted they’re alcoholic and they’re scammers,” Garry Bredefeld said. “And when they prey on the generosity and kindness of our citizens, and they give money to these panhandlers, they’re not helping the panhandlers, they’re just keeping them out there.

The initiative calls for signs to be placed, urging folks not to give money to panhandlers; instead it encourages people to give to a non-profit organization.

The signs will also feature a phone number that homeless people can dial to connect with services.

“We want to make sure that Fresno does not become San Francisco or LA,” Bredefeld said.

The law calls for the signs to be installed at intersections and other high-traffic areas throughout the city, where panhandling is a problem.

Click below to listen to the report by KMJ’s Clint Olivier.