Flu Season Is Here – This Is How To Protect Yourself


FRESNO (KMJ) — Fall weather is here, which means its time to get the flu shot.

Fresno County Department of Public Health warn that all it takes is for someone with the virus to sneeze or talk near you, and you could end up getting it yourself.

The condition is potentially deadly, which is why those with the Department are encouraging those most at risk to get inoculated.

“I’m here to get a flu shot”, explains Fresno County Board of Supervisors Chairman Buddy Mendes Thursday morning.

“It can easily be transmitted, you’re in the public. I think anyone that works in the public should get a flu shot”.

Symptoms of the seasonal disease include fever, cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, muscle aches, and headaches.

“I think people need to know, you don’t want to have the flu”.

As well as the shot, other preventative steps include frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, and staying away from those who display symptoms. Those at the highest risk include individuals 65 years and older as well as people with certain chronic medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease.

Fresno County Department of Public Health advise that everyone six months or older should be vaccinated. The department is hosting a number of clinics county wide – details are below:


Hear the report from KMJ’s Dominic McAndrew as it aired: